Passion, That's the feeling I get from writing, not writing in the sense that I let my pen etch letters and words onto a sheet of paper. No, I mean really writing, like when, pen in hand, my heart bleeds onto the page and you know that all the tears I've hidden away, bottled up, jarred inside of me have suddenly overflowed and, teaming with emotion, flooded your heart and soul with sorrow and joy, pain, and pleasure, victory and defeat. +808
I probably should have mentioned this first...I recently got the new FL Studio 9 by Image Line and spent the entire day yesterday exploring its amazing new features and always powerful, intuitive interface. Image line...I'm in love again. Though I started out producing music with Fruity Loops 7 I had been and continue to be unfaithful to this DAW love of mine by "cheating" on FL with my second love...Propellerhead's Reason 4.0, and Record. Anyway...Producers, if you don't have a copy of this amazing Digital Audio Suite yet...GO and GET IT!!!
Black people need to get off of this nonesense about slavery, reparations, and how any negative thing that happens to us is the fault of "400 years of bondage". Dude Please...
Looking around the world you'll find that just about every civilization has had a period wherein they were robbed of their cultural identity, dignity, and abused by another. They have all managed to rise up from their plight and excel in various areas of academics, business, art, athletics and so on and so forth.
Our REAL what I percieve to be a straight up genocide wherein you'll find young black men murdering one another daily
Chicago has over 600 murders a year (mostly black on black crime) Trinidad and Tobago an island of roughly 1 million has over 300 murders a year again (mostly black on black) Jamaica roughly 3 million in population has about 1000 murders a year and I'm not even gonna get to Brazil, Haiti, South Africa or other African trouble spots.
The fact is that right here in Toronto I've heard young black men say things like "I murder him for less..." and find humour in stabbing or shooting their other black brothers...
I love art. Whether it be music, dance, or visual...I love art. Right now the following two pieces from Leila Fatimi's portfolio stand out in my mind as stunningly beautiful avant garde works. Her warm presence can easily be felt in each and every photograph and appreciated by any individual with a sense of style, class, or beauty.
8:23, Torn, a shiver runs through my body as I turn off my music. I am alone. I hate the inexplicable pain I feel, it’s vast emptiness frightens me, for I know not what may lay in it’s murky depths, I fear the possibility of it taking full control of me, fear the consequences of such a travesty. Yet, I simultaneously love the pain, love, the hate. Yes, I know it sounds odd but believe me its true. I have always felt that this inner turmoil has afforded me a creative luxury. A luxury that I would have almost undoubtedly gone without had it not played such a substantial role in my life, and again the dilemma builds as I might also argue that in the absence of such inner turmoil, such pain, I might have been so content, so appreciative that I may have been able to achieve a considerable amount more than I have. However, the latter is not the case. 8:59 damn it. It’s taken me half an hour to get down here, I’m weeping inside. No-one can hear me cry, see the tears streaming down my face, touch them and feel their warmth, not even I. I weep inside, the pain is unbearable and I can feel the emotion inside building up, rumbling, I yearn to channel my sadness, my pain into anger, I am, after all, a man am I not? I hold it in “pero mi Corazon sangra, Mi Corazon sangra,” and it hurts so badly I don’t think that I can, don’t think I will ever forget it.
Coming from me, you might expect cocky, expect arrogant but truth-be-told I am neither of these Sure, I firmly believe that I am intelligent, good-looking, kind, and polite, but what is wrong with that. Imagine, strong self. A self, so strong that It is uninhibited by societal weakness. A self that stands above the toxic pollution of the feeble minded majority. A self that stands tall when all others buckle, sway, and fall. A self that is myself, yourself, a strong self.
So I'm finally back off a treamendously long hiatus and obviously have alot of things to update, lot's of free music, software, fun finds, literature and...videos!
Yes this blog will be goin V-side in a few so stay posted...until then check out this video of my homeboy Young Twyman he gets it in outta Houston Texas...808 Gang...
Behind well wishes and a wide smile lie sorrow and pain, hunger and loneliness, eccentricity and a turbulent battle between hope and despair. behind well wishes and a bright wide smile lie a sea of tears and graves filled with the masked figures of shattered dreams. Darkness and fog exude from the pores of the optimistic, fatigue clouds the foresight of the visionary, and insomnia ails the dreamer. Pain clouds the judgement and failure spawns fear, yet I speak words of kindness and smile as though the skies were still clear.
About a week ago I downloaded 17 year old producer McCallaman's debut mixtape entitled Space Era and, being the busy man that I am...I had to drag it onto my PDA before running out the house and I'm quite glad that I did. I want to thank McCallaman for helping make my hour long trip into Toronto's core so enjoyable. Jam packed with Banging beats and features from Adreena Mill, Erik Flowchild, and Mason Payne to name a fewas well as drops from heavy hitting producers Big Pops (Northern Profit), Boi 1da (ATF), and J.Staffz , McCallaman leaves first time listeners with a great and hopefully lasting impression
It is natural for humans to connect with a winner, someone who has prevailed over another, or someone who has overcome their own weakness and self doubt and conquered some feat. It is natural for humans to claim winners to their party, tribe, band, team or nation, but is it also natural for us to rebuke and deny those that have yet to achieve, those that are still in the metamorphic stages of their journey to greatness, or those that aim to achieve far beyond our own limited perception of possibility? All historically great minds; scholars, artists and leaders have been doubted as they ascended their ladders of life, and some had to taste death before savouring the sweet and well ripened flavour of success. Before Einstein was regarded as one of the most intelligent men to ever live he was thought to be daft, before Van Gogh was studied in classrooms and discussed in lecture halls around the world he was tormented, unappreciated and marginalized in his community. If Capernicus, Galileo, Socretes or El-Hajj Malik El-Shabbaz looked at the world through the same lense as those that told them that they couldn't where would we be? If Bootsy Collins, Michael Jackson, or Kanye West did as society expected the music of today would be the music of yesterday and the day before that. If Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas and countless others didnt abandon the distorted perceptions of the complacent, "realistic" and "normal" people of their time, a black president would never govern the most powerful nation of our time. In spite of all this the idea that "everyone loves a winner" remains true, just as soon as they recognize their victories as such. People will claim a star only when it is high in the sky, and being marvelled at by others, yet no one banks on a star as it rises out of the dust, nor will anyone will help raise it. No one will defend it, protect it or champion it but when it reaches high all bask in its warm light.
This is one of my all time favourite synths and so I figured I would share it with all other producers interested in getting their hands on some good or great sounds. This is a tone for tone exact replica of all of synth brass sounds found on Roland's Fantom X keyboard (facsimile) and it's free, just click the link below to download it.
Today I decided to upload the instrumental for my new song NerdWalk which I hope to release in time for the summer. Look out for the full song, dance tutorial, and music video soon. Check out the instrumental on my reverbnation player below and join the fan club and or street team for bonuses and speedy updates!
When I heard Mason Payne's Take Over The World a few months back I was thoroughly blown away by the beat (produced by Arthur McArthur of Northern Profit and Mason himself), then I was awed by the lyrical genius that is Mason Payne. As a leader in Toronto's struggle to assert itself as a contendor in the genre of Hip-Hop, Mason Payne's Take Over The World maintains a level of professionalism and skill that has become synonymous with The Western Union, Northern Profit, and HnF (Hustle n Flip). Mason Payne is Alexander the Great on this track...check out the single below and see how he plans to Take Over The World!!!