Passion, That's the feeling I get from writing, not writing in the sense that I let my pen etch letters and words onto a sheet of paper. No, I mean really writing, like when, pen in hand, my heart bleeds onto the page and you know that all the tears I've hidden away, bottled up, jarred inside of me have suddenly overflowed and, teaming with emotion, flooded your heart and soul with sorrow and joy, pain, and pleasure, victory and defeat. +808
I probably should have mentioned this first...I recently got the new FL Studio 9 by Image Line and spent the entire day yesterday exploring its amazing new features and always powerful, intuitive interface. Image line...I'm in love again. Though I started out producing music with Fruity Loops 7 I had been and continue to be unfaithful to this DAW love of mine by "cheating" on FL with my second love...Propellerhead's Reason 4.0, and Record. Anyway...Producers, if you don't have a copy of this amazing Digital Audio Suite yet...GO and GET IT!!!
Black people need to get off of this nonesense about slavery, reparations, and how any negative thing that happens to us is the fault of "400 years of bondage". Dude Please...
Looking around the world you'll find that just about every civilization has had a period wherein they were robbed of their cultural identity, dignity, and abused by another. They have all managed to rise up from their plight and excel in various areas of academics, business, art, athletics and so on and so forth.
Our REAL what I percieve to be a straight up genocide wherein you'll find young black men murdering one another daily
Chicago has over 600 murders a year (mostly black on black crime) Trinidad and Tobago an island of roughly 1 million has over 300 murders a year again (mostly black on black) Jamaica roughly 3 million in population has about 1000 murders a year and I'm not even gonna get to Brazil, Haiti, South Africa or other African trouble spots.
The fact is that right here in Toronto I've heard young black men say things like "I murder him for less..." and find humour in stabbing or shooting their other black brothers...